Grounded in principles of whole foods, but with the philosophy that food needs to be both nourishing AND pleasurable

Do you want to learn how to eat well for your body and health?

Do you want to free yourself from diet mentality and thin-worshipping culture?

Do you want to start trusting yourself and stop obsessively counting calories and macros?

I will help you discover what your body is actually asking for and how to address your nutrition needs from the following perspectives:

Your readiness to dig into these questions will be integral to your success. You won’t do this work alone. I will guide you through these questions and mindfulness practices with compassion, curiosity, and most importantly without judgment or shame.

Once you understand these ideas and how they impact your overall relationship with food, your body will naturally start to gravitate to your individual ideal body weight, which may be a very different number from what you think it is!

I use a trauma informed approach in my nutrition counseling, and will help you explore what events may have occurred in your life that have impacted your relationship with food and your body. As we work together to unpack and explore these events, you will gain a deeper appreciation for your own journey and be able to see yourself through a clearer lens without the self-criticism and guilt.

While I do not accept direct payment from healthcare plans,  you are very likely to get reimbursed for our sessions, either fully or partially depending on your health plan. I am happy to provide you with all necessary documentation to achieve maximum reimbursement. If you are not covered at all for nutrition services, then I will be happy to work out a sliding scale fee structure based upon your needs.

  • A commitment to a minimum of 10 weekly sessions is recommended as best practice and 15+ weeks may be even more effective for bigger weight loss goals and especially to optimize your weight loss maintenance phase. See The Method (below)

  • I will partner with you through the journey to get in touch with your body, its hunger cues, fullness (satiety) cues, and how to make the best food and drink decisions for YOU. You will learn how to master your own relationship with food through intentionality around the what, how fast, how much, and why surrounding your food and drink decisions. As we raise awareness and get in touch with what your body is asking for, your body will naturally regulate to its own individual ideal weight range.

    The best part? This new relationship with food and your body will stay with you forever. You worked hard for it and it is yours to keep! And don’t worry. If you ever need a tune up or a refresher session down the line, my door will be wide open for quick check-ins or 30 minute chats at a deeply discounted rate.

  • The distinction between a dietitian and a nutritionist is a matter of education and training.

    Dietitians are recognized medical professionals. The title Registered Dietitian (RD) and more recently the title Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) is one reserved for those who have completed specific education and credentialing requirements including a core of science - anatomy, physiology, chemistry, organic chemistry, biology, metabolism of proteins, fats, carbs, vitamins and minerals. RDs/RDNs have also completed a clinical internship and passed a credentialing exam. They are obligated to complete continuing education throughout their career in order to maintain their credentials. 

    The term “Nutritionist” is not regulated, so there are not any requirements for its use. Some nutritionists may have completed some education related to diet or food science or completed various programs in the nutrition-related health space.

Do you want to learn how to eat well for your body and health?

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